Contact Us
Contact Centre Management
At Kingaroy Shoppingworld, we offer a range of customer services to help make your shopping trips more enjoyable. The Customer Service team is happy to assist you.
Getting Here
Kingaroy Shoppingworld is located on the corner of Youngman & Alford Streets in Kingaroy, in the central business district.
Youngman & Alford St
Kingaroy QLD 4610
Kingaroy Shoppingworld has two levels of easy to access car parking, with lots of shaded and undercover areas. Parents with prams and disabled spaces are conveniently located close to selected main entrances to our Centre.
Public Transport
A taxi rank, with courtesy telephone is located outside the Woolworths entrance. Please visit our store directory for a map of the centre.
Travelators and Lift Access
One set of travelators servicing the undercover level and car parks ensure easy access in and out of the Centre. There is also an external ramp to assist parents with prams and people with disabilities.